Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Internet Explorer Performance - Tips to Solve issues with Internet Explorer in windows 7

Internet Explorer Performance - Tips to Solve issues with Internet Explorer in windows 7

Windows provides a built-in troubleshooter that can automatically find and fix some common problems with Internet explorer.

Note: If you can open Internet Explorer but can't get to sites on the Internet, or you find that web browsing is very slow, you should first make sure that you have a good connection to the Internet.

Internet Explorer Performance troubleshooter:

Open the Internet Explorer Performance troubleshooter by clicking the 
1. Start button Picture of the Start button, and then clicking Control Panel. 
2. In the search box, type troubleshooter, and then click Troubleshooting. 
3. Click View all, and then click Internet Explorer Performance.

Disable all add-ons

1. Click the Start button Picture of the Start button
2. Click All Programs, click Accessories, 
3. Click System Tools, and then 4. Click Internet Explorer (No Add-ons).

To open Manage Add-ons

1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button
2. In the search box, type Internet Explorer, and then, in the list of results, 
3. Click Internet Explorer.
4. Click the Tools button, and then click Manage Add-ons.

Reset Internet Explorer settings

1. Close all Internet Explorer or Windows Explorer windows.
2. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button. In the search box, type Internet Explorer, and then, in the list of results, click Internet Explorer.
3. Click the Tools button, and then click Internet Options.
4. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Reset.
5. In the Reset Internet Explorer Settings dialog box, click Reset.
6. When you are done, click Close, and then click OK.
7. Close Internet Explorer and reopen it for the changes to take effect.

Update Internet Explorer

1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button. In the search box, type Internet Explorer, and then, in the list of results, click Internet Explorer.
2. Click the Safety button, and then click Windows Update.
3. Follow the instructions on the Windows Update page.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Internet ExplorerInternet Explorer does not start or stops responding does not start or stops responding

Internet Explorer does not start or stops responding.

To resolve this problem, follow these steps.

Step 1: Open a blank page in Internet Explorer

Test Internet Explorer by opening a blank page. To do this, follow these steps:
Click Start, click Run, type iexplore about:blank in the Open box, and then click OK.
If Internet Explorer does not start, go to "Step 3: Start Internet Explorer in 'No Add-ons' mode." If Internet Explorer starts correctly, follow these steps to use a blank page as your home page:
On the toolbar, click Tools, and then click Internet Options.
On the General tab, note the address that is listed in the Home page area. This address may cause the problem.
Click Use Blank, and then click OK.
Close Internet Explorer. Then, start Internet Explorer again.

Step 2: Remove temporary Internet files, browsing history data, and Web form data

To remove temporary Internet files, browsing history data, and Web form data, follow these steps:

Windows Internet Explorer 8

Start Internet Explorer.
On the toolbar, click Tools, and then click Internet Options.
On the General tab, click Delete in the Browsing history area.
In the Delete Browsing History dialog box, click to clear all of the check boxes except for the following check boxes:
Form Data
Click Delete.
Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.

Windows Internet Explorer 7

Start Internet Explorer.
On the toolbar, click Tools, and then click Internet Options.
On the General tab, click Delete in the Browsing history area.
In the Delete Browsing History dialog box, click Delete files, and then click Yes in the Delete Files dialog box.
Click Delete cookies, and then click Yes in the Delete Cookies dialog box.
Click Delete history, and then click Yes in the Delete History dialog box.
Click Delete forms and then click Yes in the Delete Form Data dialog box.
Click Close, and then click OK.
Test Internet Explorer to verify that it works correctly. If problems still occur, go to the next step.

Step 3: Start Internet Explorer in "No Add-ons" mode

To start Internet Explorer in "No Add-ons" mode, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Internet Explorer (No Add-ons). To continue to your home page, click the Home button.

If the problem does not occur after you use this method, use Manage Add-ons to determine which add-ons are causing the problem. To do this, follow these steps:

Windows Internet Explorer 8
Click Tools on the Internet Explorer toolbar, and then click Manage Add-ons.
Click the name of the add-on at the top of the Toolbars and Extensions list, and then click Disable.
Click Close, and then test Internet Explorer.
If the problem still occurs, open Manage Add-ons, enable the add-on that you disabled in step 2, and then repeat steps 1 through 3 for the next add-on in the Toolbars and Extensions list.
Repeat steps 1 through 3 until the problem is resolved or until all the add-ons have been tested.

Windows Internet Explorer 7
Click Tools on the Internet Explorer toolbar, point to Manage Add-ons, and then click Enable or Disable Add-ons.
Click the name of the add-on at the top of the Enabled list, and then click Disable in the Settings area.
Click OK, and then test Internet Explorer.
If the problem still occurs, open Manage Add-ons, enable the add-on that you disabled in step 2, and then repeat steps 1 to 3 for the next add-on in the Enabled list.
Repeat steps 1 to 3 until the problem is resolved or until all the add-ons have been tested.

Step 4: Use another user name to log on to Windows

Using a different user name and password to log on to Windows can help determine whether this problem occurs only when you use a particular user account. After you log on, test Internet Explorer to see whether the problem still occurs.

Step 5: Reset Internet Explorer settings

To reset Internet Explorer settings, follow these steps:
Start Internet Explorer.
Click Tools on the toolbar, and then click Internet Options.
On the Advanced tab, follow one of these steps:
In Internet Explorer 8, click Reset, click Reset in the Reset Internet Explorer Settings dialog box, and then click Close.
In Internet Explorer 7, click Reset, and then click OK.
Test Internet Explorer to determine whether the problem is resolved.

Standard Generalized Markup Language

Two components:


Content: Message (text, images, tables, etc.)

Markup: Information conveyed by the document beyond its content (e.g. meta data, font type and size, text positioning, etc.)

Print era – Writing instructions on a physical page to the typesetter regarding how the various parts of the document should be typeset


Two components:

Structure: Logical breakup of the document (chapters, paragraphs, etc.). Orgnisation of these parts into an hierarchy. Descriptive or Generic markup

Formatting: Presentation of the document, Fonts, page break, etc. Procedural or Presentational markup

Markup Controversy

Which markup is more important and should be given priority? Descriptive or Procedural?

An average user needs formatted documents, not just the structure.

Problems of Procedural Markup

Impedes the use and reuse of the document if not accompanied by structural markup

Ex.: Portion of text set in Times Roman 12 points, left aligned (we do not know if his is title or author, paragraph, etc.)

Exporting to another format becomes difficult

We do not know what each portion of text is supposed to be Exchange of data becomes difficult


Separate the presentation from structure (content) Preference is given to descriptive markup Content and format can be developed and/or modified by different people

Document Styles in WYSIWYG Word


Many word processors support document styles, and creation of new styles

Ex.: MS Word

Support association of some descriptive markups with formatting tags

Provide only partial solution – but really do not separate content from presentation

Descriptive Markup - Advantages

Strictly defined set of hierarchical descriptive tags

Ensure that the text can be processed automatically

No need to worry about the formatting aspects

Enables document interchange between different systems

Provide for easy extension and modification - maintainability

Enable mapping into a different set of tags - customisation


Standard Generalized Markup Language

Strictly descriptive

Contains no means to mark up presentational aspects of documents

Can be easily interfaced to external procedural markup systems and style sheets


Not a markup language by itself

A metasystem enabling users to create such systems for particular types of documents Possible to build different markup languages using SGML

HTML is an example


Like HTML, SGML is a computer language rather than a data format. SGML files can be created manually, or through SGML editor software tools

SGML Parser

Software that reads and analyzes an SGML document Validation or transformation not much use by itself Part of a bigger SGML application system or browser

SGML History

More than 10 years history of use and growth…

Widely used – aerospace, automotive, defence, software, semiconductor, pharmaceutical, publishing and other industries.

ISO standard (ISO 8879) – adopted by several other standards bodies

SGML: Key Features

Descriptive markup
Document types
Data independence

Descriptive markup

Use of markup codes (names) to categorize parts of a document

Example: to identify a paragraph

Advantage: Same document can be processed by different software for different purposes

Document Type

Notion of ‘document type’ (hence DTD)

Type of a document is formally defined by its constituent parts and their structure – expressed in a tree structure

Example: Report Title, followed by author (optional), abstract, one or more paragraphs

If title is absent, it is not a report

If abstract follows paragraphs, it is not a report

Data Independence

Document portability across different HW and SW environments

How to handle character set differences?

Descriptive mapping for non-portable characters

String substitution mechanism (entities): process time substitution of a particular string of characters by other string of characters

Defining an SGML Application

From SGML view, a document is a hierarchical structure of nested elements (chapters, sections, paragraphs, etc.)

SGML does not specify any presentational aspects of these elements. SGML also does not convey any meaning or role of these elements – meaning is implied by the application.

SGML specifies the contexts and levels of document hierarchy in which an element can or must occur. All documents that can be marked up with the same
hierarchy of elements are said to belong to a certain document type

Defining an SGML Application…

SGML defines the structure of a particular type of documents via the DTD (Document Type Definition)

Some general features of an SGML application are specified in another component called SGML Declaration.

Defining an SGML Application…

SGML Syntax:

SGML statements are enclosed in angle brackets (<>) and contain a keyword or name followed by one or more parameters separated by spaces

Character ‘!’ is inserted between ‘<‘ and the statement keyword
Example: EMPTY –
Embedded image -->

Comments within a
Components of an SGML Document

SGML Declaration:

Character set, syntax (e.g. delimiters), optional features Usually a single declaration is used for all documents under a particular system


Usually a single document type definition (DTD)

Contains rules to which any document of a given type must conform

Document instance:

The document itself, marked up following the SGML usage conventions specified in the SGML declaration and the DTD.

Example 1: Office Memo

Document type: Office memo (Memo)

The tree structure and structural markup are shown. SGML form of this document is shown. SGML has the flexibility to define an infinite set of generic markup languages (articles, books, etc.)

An SGML markup language defines the possible hierarchical structures of documents in this class

A Memo Document

To: Comrade Napoleon

From: Snowball

In Animal Farm, George Orwell says: “…the pigs had to expend enormous labour every day upon mysterious things called files, reports, minutes and memoranda. These were large sheets of paper which had to be closely covered with writing, and as soon as they were so covered, they were burnt in the furnace…” Do you think SGML would have helped the pigs?

Comrade Snowball

To From Body Close
Tree Structure of the Memo Document

MEMO The memo itself
TO Recipient(s)
FROM Author(s)
BODY Main text contains paragraphs
P Paragraphs contains text or quotations
Q Quotations contain text
CLOSE Authors signature
Structural markup for memos

Comrade Napoleon

In Animal Farm, George Orwell says: …the pigs had to expend enormous labour every day upon mysterious things called files, reports, minutes and memoranda. These were large sheets of paper which had to be closely covered with writing, and as soon as they were so covered, they were burnt in the furnace…Do you think SGML would have helped the pigs?

Comrade Snowball

SGML form of the memo

DTD for the memo document type

DTD Features

program program
output output
parser parser
entity entity
manager manager
declaration declaration
document document
instance instance
processing processing
program program
entry/edit entry/edit
composition composition
etc. etc.
SGML System


SGML Parser

XMETAL – SGML/ XML editor/browser

Sample bibliographic data DTD’s

SGML Applications Examples

Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)

Encoded Archival Description DTD (EAD)

Electronic These and Dissertations (ETD)

SGML Resources

The SGML/XML Web Page

A Gentle introduction to SGML”

Berkeley Digital Library on SGML

The Whirlwind guide to SGML and XML tools and vendors

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Adding network printer for all users on a computer

How do I add a network printer for all users on a computer?
1.1. When a user, even an administrator, adds a network printer using the Add Printer wizard, the printer is only added for that particular user. If another user logs on at that computer, the network printer is not available for them until they add it.

1.2. A network printer is much like a mapped network drive in the sense that it is just a reference (pointer) to a printer share on another computer. These kinds of things are specific to the user that creates (adds) them.

There is NO option in the Add Printer wizard to add a network printer for all users of a computer, but the capability to do so does exist in Windows 2000, 2003 and XP.

1.3. Here are the steps to add a printer for all users on a computer. Note that this process adds a printer permanently, just as does the Add Printer wizard. There is not much point in placing these commands in logon or startup script because that will result in multiple instances of the printer on each computer, one for each time a user logs on or the computer is restarted.
However, these commands can be used in command files (.cmd files) or scripts, which makes it relatively simple and quick to add multiple printers to one computer, the same printer to multiple computers, or a mixture of both.
  1. Logon at the computer with an administrative user account
  • open a Command Prompt window
  • type the command:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ga /n\\UNC-path-to-the-printer

For example, if the printer’s name is P1 and it is defined on the computer C1 (i.e. the Print Server is called C1), type exactly:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ga /n\\C1\P1

1.4. If you want to, you can add a network printer remotely -- that is, on another computer -- by including the /c parameter.

For example, if you want to add the printer \\C1\P1 to the computer called CC while logged on at another computer, use this command:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ga /c\\CC /n\\C1\P1

The printer added this way won't be useable (e.g. won't show up in the list of available printers) until the Print Spooler service is restarted or a user logs on.

You can restart the Print Spooler by typing these commands in the Command Prompt window:

net stop spooler
net start spooler

You can restart the print spooler on another computer by using these commands:

sc \\ComputerName stop spooler
sc \\ComputerName start spooler

You can also use the Computer Management console to restart the print spooler on the other computer:

  1. click Start, Administrative Tools, Computer Management
  2. In the left pane, right click on the root of the tree (Computer Management (Local)) and select Connect to another computer
  3. Type the name of the computer (e.g. for the above example this would be CC) and click OK
  4. In the left pane, click the + sign beside Services and Applications
  5. click Service
  6. In the right pane, right click on Print Spooler and select Restart

Another alternative is force the other computer to restart using the command:

Shutdown -r -m \\computername

shutdown -r -m \\cc

Monday, October 29, 2007


PhotoRec is a data recovery software tool designed to recover lost files from digital camera memory, (CompactFlash, Memory Stick, SecureDigital, SmartMedia, Microdrive, MMC, USB Memory Drives etc.)

It recovers most common photo formats, including JPEG.

You can download the software from the following link:

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Compaq Presario V6608AU Notebook

HP’s Compaq Presario V6608AU Notebook PC is powered by 1.9 GHz AMD Turion 64 X2 Processor and it features 8X double layer (8.5 GB) DVD writer, a large 15.4-inch widescreen WXGA display, integrated 802.11a/b/g wireless LAN, integrated Bluetooth and 5-in-one media card slot.

Wireless LAN connection ready new Compaq Presario V6608AU Notebook PC is powered by 1.9 GHz AMD Dual Core Turion 64 X2 Processor TL-58, offering AMD PowerNow technology and HyperTransport technology with 1-MB L2 Advanced Transfer cache and 1600 MHz FSB.

Build around NVIDIA MCP67M Chipset, the Compaq Presario V6608AU notebook PC features 1024-MB (667 MHz) DDR2 RAM (2 SODIMM Slots - expandable to maximum of 4-GB), 160-GB Serial-ATA Hard Drive (5400 rpm) offering 150 MB/sec data transfer rate and 8X SuperMulti Drive Double Layer (8.5 GB) DVD Writer.

The Compaq Presario V6608AU Notebook PC is equipped with 15.4-inch WXGA TFT display with BrightView Screen Technology which is powered by NVIDIA GeForce Go 7150M Graphics chipset having upto 128 MB video RAM offering maximum of 1280 x 800 pixels screen resolution with 16 millions colors.

Weighing about 2.99 kgs without battery and media card, the Compaq Presario V6608AU Notebook PC sports Integrated broadcom wirelss LAN connection offering 802.11 a/b/g Wi-Fi connection, integrated Bluetooth v2.0 connection, and a 5-In-1 Digital Media Reader supporting Secure Digital, SDIO, Multi-media card, Memory stick, Memory stick pro and xD picture card.

Compaq Presario V6608AU Notebook PC also offers integrated 56kbps v.92 Modem/Fax, Integrated Ethernet network interface, Altec Lansing Stereo Speakers, built-in 16-bit 3D Sound Blaster Pro compatible sound card, 2 Headphone Jacks and it comes with 6-cell Li-Ion battery offering upto 2.5 hrs backup

Compaq Presario V6608AU comes with Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic OS and other software boundled with the notebook PC includes Microsoft Works 8.5, Adobe Acrobat Reader 8, Roxio Creator 9 Basic, QuickPlay for Windows ver 3.2, and HP PhotoSmart Premier. For security and system maintenance, it offers Norton Anti-Virus with 60 days Live updates, Norton Internet Security 2007 and SoftThinks Recovery Disc Creator.

I/O Ports:-

  • 3x USB v2.0 ports
  • 5-in-1 Digital Media Reader slot
  • IEEE 1394 port
  • S-video port
  • VGA video output, Mini D-sub 15-pin for external monitor
  • Expansion Port 3 connector for xb3000 expansion base
  • Stereo Headphone/Line-out
  • External Microphone Jack
  • RJ-11 - modem
  • RJ-45 - Ethernet

Compaq Presario V6608AU Notebook PC also supports a 5-in-1 multi-format memory card reader embedded in the notebook allowing SD, MMC, SmartMedia, XD and MemorySticks and has Altec Lansing Stereo Speakers built-in.

Compaq Presario V6608AU Notebook PC Features:-

AMD Turion 64 X2 Processor TL-58, 1.9 GHz, Dual Core Processor, AMD PowerNow Technology, HyperTransport Technology
1-MB L2 Advanced Transfer Cache, 1600 MHz FSB
1024-MB PC2-5300 DDR2 (667 MHz), 2 SODIMM Slots (maximum 4 GB)
160-GB Serial-ATA Hard Drive, 5400 rpm, 150 MB/sec transfer speed
8X SuperMulti Drive Double Layer (8.5 GB) DVD Writer
15.4-inch (39.1 cm) WXGA TFT display, 1280 x 800 pixels resolution in 16:10 Aspect Ratio, BrightView Screen Technology
NVIDIA GeForce Go 7150M Graphics chipset, upto 128 MB Video memory
Integrated Wireless LAN 802.11 a/b/g
Integrated Bluetooth v2.0 module
56 kbps v.52 modem/fax card
Realtek 10/100 integrated Ethernet LAN interface
Altec Lansing Stereo Speakers
3D Sound Blaster Pro compatible sound 16 bit integrated
5-in-1 Digital Media Reader supporting Secure Digital, SDIO, Multi-media card, Memory stick, Memory stick pro and xD picture card.
Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic
6-cell LiIon Battery, 2.5 hrs backup
Dimensions: WxDxH - 14.05 x 10.11 x 1.29/1.56 inches
Weight: 2.99 Kgs (without power pack and media card)

Software and Driver Downloads:-(Windows XP Only)

For vista operating system : check on